I Got My Hands on Fable III is a post from Chris Pirillo It's here… 
Yes, it's a legit copy – in my hands mere days before its official release. Review copies, FTW! FirstRSS+ThunderIT AWS HMAC ERROR 2010-10-20 04:52:55: "http://xml-us.amznxslt.com/onca/xml?AWSAccessKeyId=05G128QTRXN0J06J6PG2ContentType=text%2FxmlKeywords=fable%20xboxOperation=ItemSearchResponseGroup=LargeSearchIndex=BlendedService=AWSECommerceServiceSignature=xyM39mR00xbpfYGHz3zBQ9VXXrnzdftYviruIU%2FjweU%3DStyle=http%3A%2F%2Ftagjag.com%2Fcss%2Famazon.xsltTimestamp=2010-10-20T11%3A52%3A54ZVersion=2005-07-26" NOT FOUND! http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/19/daytrotter/ If you only discover music by listening to the radio, then you're truly missing out on some great songs and bands. The truth is that some of the best music out there isn't popular at all, so it can take some effort to find these hidden gems. Each day, relatively unknown bands travel and play shows for small crowds, but even though the crowds are small, they're dedicated. A site called Daytrotter helps to bring attention to these bands by inviting them to their studio, recording some of their songs, and giving visitors the tracks for free.
You probably haven't heard of most of these bands, but there are some rather popular ones that are on the site. Even if you have heard some of the songs, the Daytrotter versions are unique and raw, which makes listening to them even more enjoyable. In addition to listening to the music, you'll also be able to learn more about the bands, find out what the inspiration was for the songs, and so on. I've been stuck in a musical rut, so perhaps Daytrotter will break me free from it. Daytrotter is a post from: Windows Fanatics http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/19/great-migrations/ Guide different animals as they go on their Great Migrations! Avoid predators and obstacles as you travel across the world! Make paths for Monarch Butterflies, Salmon, Zebras, and Red Crab across different terrains in this puzzle game, based on the National Geographic show of the same name. Can you guide the critters to safety and survive their Great Migrations?
- Unique gameplay
- Exciting action
- Go on a Great Migration!
[Download free trial of Great Migrations] [Buy Great Migrations] Great Migrations is a post from: Windows Fanatics http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/19/riot-v0-4-3/ Saving images for Web/email/other media with the best compression ratio and quality is a difficult task if you don't have the right tools. RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool) helps you do this.
[Discovered via Major Geeks] [1.06M] [Win95/98/Me/2k/XP/Vista/7] [FREE] [Photo above by johntrainor / CC BY-ND 2.0] RIOT v0.4.3 is a post from: Windows Fanatics http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/19/use-horizontal-windows-to-compare-documents-in-word-2007/ In a previous tip, I showed you how to compare documents side by side in Word 2007. However, not everyone likes viewing the documents vertically because it can be difficult to see any comment balloons. In such cases, you can compare two documents in horizontal windows. To do so, follow these simple steps:
- Open the two documents that you want to compare.
- Select the view tab.
- In the Window group, select the View Side by Side tool.
- In the Window group, click Arrange All. Word re-arranges the two documents so they are displayed as two horizontal windows.
- Finally, in the Window group, click Synchronous Scrolling.
Use Horizontal Windows To Compare Documents In Word 2007 is a post from: Windows Fanatics http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/19/want-to-share-your-desktop-with-other-people-online/ Microsoft SharedView is a free utility that lets you share your desktop, applications and documents with up to 15 people online. It's a great tool for holding small, online meetings, providing demonstrations, and working with others in real time. Furthermore, it works through firewalls and routers so you shouldn't experience any connection issues.
If you're looking for more information on how you could potentially use SharedView, visit SharedView User Assistance Home Page. If you're planning on trying SharedView, there are a few requirements to run the application: - Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows Vista Home Premium; Windows Vista Service Pack 1; Windows Vista Ultimate; Windows XP Service Pack 2; Windows XP Service Pack 3
- A computer with a 700 MHz processor or higher that meets the following requirements:
- Memory: Minimum 256 MB of RAM (512 MB recommended)
- Hard disk: 10 MB of free hard disk space
- Display: Minimum 800 × 600 screen resolution (1024 × 768 recommended)
- Applications: DirectX 8.0 or higher installed on your computer.
- Internet connection: Broadband Internet access, 300 kbs minimum. Slower connections may work, but the experience may not be optimal.
- A Windows Live ID if you want to start your own sessions (you do not need one to join someone else's session).
To download SharedView, visit this site. [Photo above by Dimitri N / CC BY-ND 2.0] - Customized artistic image of Hasil Adkins using for commissioning a Genuine Oil Painting of Hasil Adkins in highest professional quality, completely 100% hand-painted by high-skilled oil portrait artist. Art style: futurist. All sizes available.
- Out to Hunch
- Chicken Walk
- Best of the Haze
- The Wild World of Hasil Adkins [VHS]
- Die You Zombie Bastards!
- R.I.P.: Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman
- The Red's Breakfast Experience
- Harmoniciste: Marie Courcelle, Hasil Adkins, Jason Ricci, Greg Szlapczynski, Jack Bruce, Charlie Mccoy, Larry Adler, Big Walter Horton (French Edition)
- Goldmine Magazine, November 21, 1986 (VOL. 12 NO. 24 ISSUE 165)
- People From Boone County, West Virginia: Jesco White, the White Family, Hasil Adkins, Jim Myers, Billy Edd Wheeler, Robin Davis
Want To Share Your Desktop With Other People Online? is a post from: Windows Fanatics http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/19/windows-7-tweaks-a-comprehensive-guide/ Written by bestselling author and the creator of tweaks.com Steve Sinchak, Windows 7 Tweaks: A Comprehensive Guide on Customizing, Increasing Performance, and Securing Microsoft Windows 7 provides you with the ultimate collection of hidden gems that will enable you to get the most out of Windows 7. Packed with more than 400 pages of insider tips, the book delves beneath the surface to reveal little-known ways to tweak, modify, and customize Windows 7 so you can get every ounce of performance from your operating system.
Regardless of your experience with tweaking your system, you'll find fascinating and fun tips and tricks for getting under the hood of Windows 7 that will allow you to optimize its appearance, speed, usability, and security. - Bestselling author and creator of tweaks.com shows you how to tweak, modify, customize, and take complete control of the new Windows 7 operating system
- Unlocks hidden gems for optimizing the appearance, speed, usability, and security of the Windows 7 OS
- Shows you how to customize boot and login screens, supercharge your network and online speed, get rid of features that drive you nuts, fine tune your User Account Protection, and more
So roll up your sleeves and take off your gloves so you can take total control over your Windows 7 OS! Windows 7 Tweaks: A Comprehensive Guide is a post from: Windows Fanatics http://www.lockergnome.com/windows/2010/10/18/cooklet/ My wife will readily tell you that I can't cook, and she's absolutely right. It's not that I don't cook well, it's just that I don't have any experience, so I don't even know where to begin. Like most of you who actually cook already know, a good recipe can make up for a lack of experience by giving specific directions, that if followed, will provide a delicious result. Whether you're new to cooking or know how to cook more than just noodles out of a box, Cooklet will help you to get your cooking in order.
With this service, you can create and store recipes and search through recipes that have already been posted for inspiration. You're even able to develop your own online cookbook that keeps the recipes organized. Of course, there's more to Cooklet than just recipes. You can also learn more about how to cook, create shopping lists, and use tools like a measurement converter and timer. I've accepted the fact that I'm helpless in the kitchen, but hopefully you'll be able to make use of Cooklet. Cooklet is a post from: Windows Fanatics Back to top Up-to-the-minute Free Software on Lockergnome.com Lockergnome Coupons |